This is a podcast about sustainable fashion by Dessie Georgieva. Through talking to industry insiders and researching the best and worst practices of the industry, she goes on a quest to make sustainable and ethical fashion the new normal.

Dessie Georgieva Dessie Georgieva

8 Ways To Make Your Wardrobe More Sustainable

In this episode, Dessie gives 8 simple and hands-on ideas for a more sustainable wardrobe. From renting, through 2nd hand shopping to keeping an eye on fabrics and certifications, there’s surely a little something you can take away for your daily life.

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In this episode, Dessie gives 8 simple and hands-on ideas for a more sustainable wardrobe.

For all 8 tips, tune in to the episode.

Here are some links that can be useful:

The meaning of the bodhicitta concept:

Websites and apps for apparel rental

Rent the Runway

HURR Collective

endlos fesch

Websites and apps for second hand apparel

Willhaben in Austria:


Vestiaire Collective

The Real Real 

The Austrian company producing Tencel, Lenzing:

Additional information on sustainable fabrics

Additional information on certifications

Music credit: 

Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



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Dessie Georgieva Dessie Georgieva

Marre Muijs, founder of ESSEN | Sustainable classic shoes with an edge + on-demand manufacturing to tackle fashion's huge waste problem

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In this episode of D Sustainability Issue, Dessie welcomes Mare Muijs, the foudner of ESSEN. Marre takes us through the whole process of founding and managing a sustainable footwear brand. She talks about the concept of ESSEN: a well-curated range of classic shoes with an edge, that creates the basis for a perfect capsule wardrobe. Furthermore, she dives into the way ESSEN has taken a sustainable approach throughout the whole process - from the choice of raw materials for their shoes, through the production factories, and to the packaging. Last but not least, Marre walks us through the price model of a sustainable direct-to-consumer shoe brand, and the effects of the current COVID crisis on the business.

To get all the details, make sure to tune in and hear everything from Marre herself.

Check out ESSEN here.

Follow ESSEN on Instagram and Facebook.

Listen to the Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Stitcher

Follow Dessie Georgieva on Instagram for more sustainable fashion inspiration.

Music credit: 

Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



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Dessie Georgieva Dessie Georgieva

Racism and the Fashion Industry

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
— Maya Angelou

In the past few weeks, one issue is shaking up the whole world - racism. The murder of George Floyd on May 25th, 2020, an African-American man, by a white police officer triggered a strong rise in the #blacklivesmatter movement with hundreds of thousands of protesters against police brutality and systematic racism across the world. 

In the context of that, and due to the so many ways in which racism is embedded in the fashion system as well, there was simply no was not to talk about it. 

In this episode, we address 4 questions: 

  1. Why #blacklivesmatter is the right phrase? 

  2. Why now? 

  3. What does this have to do with the fashion industry? 

  4. What can I do to help? 

Sources used: 

US prisons statistics

Locked-In Profits: The U.S. Prison Industry, By the Numbers

Racism is at the heart of fast fashion – it's time for change

Primark and Matalan among retailers allegedly cancelling £2.4bn orders in ‘catastrophic’ move for Bangladesh

Does fashion have a cultural appropriation problem?

Reformation founder apologises for workplace racism

On Racism, Fashion Must Do More Than Speak Up

A few ideas on what to do: 


PayUp movement

The Fashion Revolution

Fair Wear Foundation 

Black Lives Matter  

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

Sign petitions and donate to causes that are making a difference: 

Make White Privilege and Systemic Racism a Compulsory Part of the British Education Course

The 15% Pledge


How to Be an Antiracist, Ibram X Kendi

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People about Race, Reni Eddo-Lodge

White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo

White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color, Ruby Hamad

And more


Dismantling White Fragility on Spotify 

EXIT RACISM, Tupoka Ougette on Spotify

“Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race” — a Guardian podcast episode

Pod Save The People, a podcast 


13th on Netflix

When They Say US on Netflix 

Time: The Kalief Browder Story on Netflix 

Dear White People on Netflix and Amazon Prime 

Music credit

Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



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Dessie Georgieva Dessie Georgieva

The Why, How and What of D Sustainability Issue with Dessie Georgieva

“Give everything for the sake of giving because it hurts not to.”
— David Deida

Hey there, welcome to the very first episode of D Sustainability Issue - a podcast about sustainable fashion and mindfulness by me, Dessie Georgieva. Through talking to industry insiders and researching the best and worst practices of the industry while taking a mindful approach, I go on a quest to make sustainable and ethical fashion the new normal. 

In this very first episode, I’m telling a little bit about myself, my upbringing and background in fashion and sustainability. Born and raised in Bulgaria, I was fascinated by fashion from a very young age. Starting my studies in Vienna at the University of Economics and Business at the age of 18, I started becoming more and more aware of the topics of sustainability and the issues associated with the fashion industry.

2017 was a turning point in my life. After watching The True Cost among other documentaries about fashion, and reading books on mindfulness among which A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, I made it my purpose to contribute to a better and fairer fashion industry with all I could. I started a blog called D Golden Hour about fair fashion and mindfulness, and a t-shirt line with the same name, incorporating the same values, which you also find on my site.

I go into the “Why”, “How” and “What” of D Sustainability Issue, a concept I’ve learned from Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why”. He also has a TED Talk, called “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” on the same topic, where he explains the whole concept in more detail.

The podcast connects my both passions, fair fashion and sustainability, and therefore in each episode I’m going to share a quote, a poem etc, that has affected me in a way. Today, it is:

„Give everything for the sake of giving because it hurts not to.“
— David Deida

I was born and raised in Bulgaria, a country that is traditionally known for garment production, including for some of the most luxurious brands in the world. Due to the fact I have relatives working in the industry, I’ve been able to gain direct insights into the working conditions oft claimed “fair” by fashion brands. This podcast is the result of my inner urge to give everything I can for a fairer and more sustainable fashion industry, and it hurst not to not just for me, but also for all the garment workers producing our clothes, which are mistreated, suffering and not getting a fair wage in 2020.

If anything, during the current Corona crisis, we saw how much our individual action affects our environment and the world. Therefore, now is more than clear that what each one of us individually does, matter. Sustainable fashion start-ups are on the rise, and revolutionising the industry one item at the time. There are such cool ethical and sustainable brands out there that I’m gonna make sure you learn all about. In the meantime, large corporations are listening, because our power as consumers nowadays is so high, that you cannot not listen. So whatever we demand, it eventually going to change. It’s time to change now.

Hope you enjoy!

xx, Dessie

Resources regarding the fashion industry:

UN News

Fashion Revolution

Music credit: 

Wholesome by Kevin MacLeod



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